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Location: Oklahoma, United States

I'm a homeschooling mother of five. Four graduates and one to go. I have been married to my dear husband for 31 years this October. WoW! I love talking about home schooling, essential oils, growing your own garden and other things related to health. I'm a city girl living in the country. I love both lives.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Day 132 continued...-Four Gallons of Milk-08-07-06

We met with D (the less active member/ Catholic for two days/less active member again).
He gave Elder Pierce and me each a $10 gift card to “This is the Place” bookstore. This is a charitable quirk of his-giving out gift cards. He has done this since I have known him. Way back when I was with my first companion, Elder Buttars, we were about to leave D’s apartment. He said, “Hang on. I’ve got something for you guys.” He walked into his bedroom and came out with a stack of gift cards about 5 inches tall.

He had all kinds of gift cards. This is the Place bookstore, McDonalds, K-Mart, Giant grocery store, etc…Back then he gave me another gift certificate for This is the Place bookstore. I don’t know where he gets the money to do this. But not wanting to look a gift card in the mouth, I gratefully said thank you.

We stopped by J’s place. He must not have been home. Oh, well, we’ll try again later in the week. We went to M’s place. He wasn’t at church on Sunday. He said that he had been really busy and slept in on Sunday. He promises to do better next week. M told me how much he likes it when I come over to visit. “Some missionaries; forget it. But, Elder Pierce, you’re cool. You’re really smart and listen to my questions. You’re a really great guy. (Stop it, M. You’re making me blush). M said that he wants to take us out to eat in a couple of weeks. That could be fun. I’ll look forward to it.

Happy Thing for Day 132: Okay, get this. It’s 10:00 pm. Elder Oram calls to see how our day has been and also to see how my companion is feeling after the flat-liner. So they are talking for a little bit, when there is a knock on the door. Who could that be at this hour? My companion was still on the phone, so I go over to see who it is. It was D. I opened the door. “Hey, Brother O.” “Hey, guys, I got you some stuff.” He then walks into our apartment carrying 4 gallons of milk and two loaves of bread, sets them down and then asks if we can come over tomorrow to talk. “Uh…sure,” I said. “Kay, bye.” And with that he was gone. I looked at the milk and bread on the table, then to my companion and back to the generous gift.

Then I started laughing. To me it was the funniest thing in the world. I mean 4 gallons of milk! It’s just the two of us here. There’s no way we would be able to drink that much milk. We called the zone leaders. Elder Spencer and Elder Hall never have any milk at their place (because they don’t have less active members who buy them groceries). I’m sure they would love to come over on p-day and pick up a gallon or two. Plus, they could take one to the Reston elders.

Thank you for the milk and bread, Brother O. Well, I’m going to bed. ‘Night.


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