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Location: Oklahoma, United States

I'm a homeschooling mother of five. Four graduates and one to go. I have been married to my dear husband for 31 years this October. WoW! I love talking about home schooling, essential oils, growing your own garden and other things related to health. I'm a city girl living in the country. I love both lives.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Day 119-My talk...kinda, sorta...The Nicene Creed aka The Trinity

Okay…my talk…kinda, sorta…The Nicene Creed aka The Trinity. Picture with me if you will…Nicea…325A.D. Christianity has become the state religion of Rome. With the Apostles no longer there as the head of the church on the earth, many divisions arose amongst the early Christian on even basic points of doctrine. It got to the point where the then emperor Constantine called a group of Christian bishops together to establish the official doctrines of the church. (This comes from M. Russell Ballard’s book, “Our Search for Happiness.) Constantine was also hoping that by doing this he could create greater political unity within the empire.

Even the nature of God was heavily debated. Out of this council came the Nicene Creed. This states that “Jesus Christ is a being of one substance with the Father.” Later it was expounded upon- “So the Father is God, the Son is God and the Holy Ghost is God…Not three Gods, but One God…neither confounding the persons or dividing the substance.” The Nicene Creed came out of a majority vote from the council. These learned but uninspired men who’s doctrine had come about based on popular opinion instead of revelation.” Talk about putting your trust in men!

Jesus Christ created the Heavens and the Earth under the direction of his Father, our Heavenly Father; the Father of our spirits. Since Jesus Christ created this world, he could be considered the Father of our mortal bodies. Our Heavenly Father crated our spirits. Jesus Christ, under the direction of our Heavenly Father, created our physical bodies. Jesus Christ is our spiritual brother. He was given a spirit body, as we all were, by our Heavenly Father. All of Heavenly Father’s children are heirs of God and joint-heirs with Christ. Jesus Christ is the God of the Old Testament, Jehovah. The great I AM. Jesus Christ left his Father’s, our Heavenly Father’s, presence to be born of Mary, gain a physical body, and live amongst His spiritual brothers and sisters.

Jesus Christ’s earthly father is His Heavenly Father. He is the only begotten Son of God. He came down here to be an example for us to follow. He is our Savior and Redeemer. He atoned for our sins in the Garden of Gethsemane. He did something only a God could do. The anguish that Jesus Christ felt in the garden was so great that it caused him to bleed from every pore. He told his Father, “Thy will be done.” He came here to do the will of His Father. He then suffered torture and humiliation worse than we can ever truly know. C.S. Lewis had something to say about Christ’s atonement and how it could be compared to fighting a battle. I don’t have the quote with me, so I’ll paraphrase.

If you were an army, and you were continually being attacked by an opposing side, there would come a point where you’d either keep fighting or you’d give up. If you choose to keep fighting, you’d see a stronger resolve from your enemy who doesn’t want to win. Those who give in right away, never see the full power of the enemy. Only those who fight to the end and never give up are the ones who see the full force of the adversary.

The bottom line is that we all sin. All of us have lost a battle or two with Satan and have chosen the wrong. Jesus Christ is the only being ever to walk the earth (and on the water) who never gave in to sin. That means that He is the only one who knows the full power of Satan. He’s felt it. We’ve all lost a battle because of sin, but through Jesus Christ, we can win the war!

Jesus Christ died for us on Calvary’s cross. He had to die. It makes so much sense to me right now. Elder Bruce R. McConkie said it, and people have said it before him, but I’m telling you now as though I was the first person to ever know this. Adam and Eve had to enter into mortality. Without death entering into the world, there could have been no Atonement performed. In that same vein, (for our God is not a changing God), without the death of Jesus Christ, he could not have risen from the tomb on the third day. Jesus Christ could not have just ascended into heaven without tasting death first because He had to conquer death. Elder Boyd K. Packer expressed it by saying, “He could not do for others what he was not able to do for himself.”

After Jesus Christ was resurrected, death had been conquered. The way was now open for all who would repent and call upon the name of Him who is mighty to save. He had a perfected body, save the nail marks in his hands and feet, as well as the mark left in his side by the spear. He kept those marks to show that He was indeed the Christ; that all might know. After leaving his apostles, He went to the Americas and showed the people that He had risen from the dead and atoned for the sins of the world. The prophets on the American continent had received revelations from God that the Savior of the world would visit them. It is through these ancient American prophets that we have a record of Jesus’ visit to the Americas. And it is through Joseph Smith, a prophet called by our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, that we can read about this event in the Book of Mormon.

Today Jesus Christ is seated at the right hand of His Father. He appeared to men in the last days so that His church could be restored in it’s fullness on the earth once again. And just like the promise made to Noah that the earth would never again be flooded; the promise was made to Joseph Smith that this was the last dispensation in which man would receive direct revelation from God through a prophet and that the famine that was prophesied by Amos had come to an end. Joseph Smith was promised that the full gospel of Jesus Christ would never again be taken from the earth. That missionary work should continue on the earth until “the purposes of God shall be accomplished, and the Great Jehovah shall say, ‘The work is done.’”

I’m so thankful for our Heavenly Father’s plan for us. I’m thankful for our Savior, Jesus Christ, who was central to God’s plan. Through Who’s atoning sacrifice we can return to live with our Heavenly Father. I know that God loves us and wants to help us. I know that communications between God and man haven’t ceased. I’m thankful that I was born at this time when the fullness of the gospel of Jesus Christ is being preached around the world and millions of people now receive the spiritual strength and knowledge that comes from listening to a prophet of the Lord Jesus, even Gordon B. Hinckley.

The Nicene Creed is wrong. The concept of the Trinity is wrong. Jesus Christ and the Father are one…in purpose. Jesus prayed to his Father that all could be one, “As thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they may also be one in us;” (speaking of the disciples of Christ); praying for us that we may be obedient to the will of our Father like Jesus Christ was.

It amazes me how many people don’t know about the message we share. It amazes me how many people accept the Trinity and say, “Well, we’re not really suppose to understand it.” Bull-honky. Of all of the principles of the gospel, the very nature of God should be at the top of the list of things He wants us to know. That’s why He and Jesus Christ appeared to Joseph Smith. Now the world might know, once and for all, the nature of God; if they would listen. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Wow. I just kind of wrote that whole talk right now. Zone conference was a lot of fun. Sister Morgan Pierce was there with her zone, so the three Pierces got together for a picture. Sister Morgan Pierce, Elder Kris Pierce and Elder Logan Pierce. It was pretty neat. None of my friends from the MTC were there; Elder Patton, Elder Thatcher and Elder Francom. They must be in different zones from the ones met with us.

We also talked with S later today. We plan to go over to her house on Thursday to teach her and then a trip to the temple on Saturday. She can’t wait! We’re going to try and see if her kids can come this time. They still want to come and her husband is out of town for the week… that sounds so wrong to say, but whatever works! Tomorrow is P-day!


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