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Location: Oklahoma, United States

I'm a homeschooling mother of five. Four graduates and one to go. I have been married to my dear husband for 31 years this October. WoW! I love talking about home schooling, essential oils, growing your own garden and other things related to health. I'm a city girl living in the country. I love both lives.

Friday, October 27, 2006

Day 146-Oh Happy Day! 8-21-06

Oh Happy Day! Happy Thing for Day 146: We got to talk with S today. And here I was thinking that I might not see her again before I got transferred (assuming that I do get transferred). We did not talk about any gospel subjects, just nice conversation. S was still feeling a little sick. She’s feeling a bit better now, but still isn’t up to returning to her job at the horse ranch yet.

We sat and talked on her front porch about different things. I told her that I might get transferred. “When will you know?” she asked. “This Wednesday,” I told her. She then said, “Elder Pierce, I’m gonna miss you so much if you go.” I told S that I would miss her. Not wanting to be a big baby, I was trying not to cry as I told her that she was one of the first people I had talked to since being on my mission and how much it meant to me to be able to share my testimony and my love of the Gospel of Jesus Christ with her.

We talked a little bit about her husband D. She told me how they met. They were high school sweethearts. We talked for a while about when S met D.

Later, I said that since I might be leaving on Thursday, I wanted to come over sometime tomorrow and watch the talk by Bruce R. McConkie on the Atonement with her. She said she would really like to see it. We’ll see if we can get Brother P to come with us. I’m looking forward to it.

Well, today was full of unexpected twists. Late this evening, just before we headed back home, we stopped by A’s place in the hopes of talking with J (see {Day 116}). We wanted to see how A was doing in prison, see if there was an update. Also to see how D was doing with B. J wasn’t home, but guess who was? D! D said that staying with B did not work out, so he came back. D also told us that A is out of prison. Apparently, he got a bail bondsman and took out a loan so he could await his court date in the comfort of his own home. I asked D where A was. D said he was shopping and would not be back until late. D said that if we wanted to try to meet with A, we could try tomorrow around 2:00pm, so that’s what we’ll do.

Before I close for the evening, I want to talk about S one more time. When we were talking about her husband and how they met, S asked me about my family. I told her that I loved them very much and that they love me. S said to me, “Never forget how lucky you are, Elder Pierce. It is such a blessing to have a family that loves you.” Thank you, S. I’ll remember that. O Happy Day! And tomorrow, we meet with S to talk about The Atonement!


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