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Location: Oklahoma, United States

I'm a homeschooling mother of five. Four graduates and one to go. I have been married to my dear husband for 31 years this October. WoW! I love talking about home schooling, essential oils, growing your own garden and other things related to health. I'm a city girl living in the country. I love both lives.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Day 186-General Conference-09/30/06

It was a little rainy this morning. Perfect weather for staying inside, starting a nice warm fire, curling up under a big blanket and watching General Conference on tv...(as if)

Brother M came and picked us up before the first session and we went to get A. He wasn't ready. A told us that he wouldn't be able to make this session. He had to help his mom out with something, but he would go to the 4:00pm session.

After we left A's place I said to Brother M and my companion that maybe it was best that A couldn't make this one. When we were talking with Brother C earlier, he said that it might be best if A didn't try to come to every session since they are two hours long. They are all wonderful, but for A, at this point, if he tried to attend all of the sessions of General Conference, he might get burned out. Oh well...

Happy Thing for Day 186-Watching General Conference with Brother M. We went to his house. He had nice pillows for us to sit on and plenty of snacks. Then Conference started.

Jarom 1:2 "...wherefore, it must needs be that I write a little; but I shall not write the things of my prophesying, mor of my revelations. For what could I write more than my fathers have written? For have not they revealed the plan of salvation? I say unto you, Yea; and this sufficeth me."

In that same vein, I took some notes during conference, but really what more could be written than what the prophets have written? Therefore, I'll only write a few things from the conference talks. Yea and this sufficeth me. I do recommend, though that you go and read the talks from the October 2006 General Conference. They've been pretty good so far.

I really enjoyed the first session of General Conference. I learned that over 1/2 of the members of the church are first generation. They are the first members of their family to join the church. That's pretty neat. It just shows the power of missionary work.

After the first session was over, we had a couple of hours before the next session. companion and I went to work. We walked over to J's. He's only about a 10 minute walk away. When we got there N answered the door. We asked her how she enjoyed conference. She said that the loved it. She really enjoyed the talk that was addressed to first generation church members. Nancy said that she wasn't raised in the church, but now that she has joined and become a member, she can raise her son in the restored gospel. J wasn't there. N said that he had to run some errands but that he would be back for the next session. (for more on N's testimony see day 96)

At 3:55pm we went to pick up A to take him to the afternoon session. We knocked. His mom came to the door. We asked if A was ready. She told us he was not here right now. He had gone to a payphone to make a phone call.

Since A had been in prison, he wasn't able to work. As a result, some bills were not paid like the phone bill. I don't know who he called or why he left when he did, but as a result he did not attend the afternoon session either. We did not have time to wait around. We were late getting back as it was.

I enjoyed all of conference today. Tonight before the Priesthood session, Brother M took us out to eat. The priesthood session was very good and a lot of fun. I love General Conference. It's the best. I can't wait until tomorrow.


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