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Location: Oklahoma, United States

I'm a homeschooling mother of five. Four graduates and one to go. I have been married to my dear husband for 31 years this October. WoW! I love talking about home schooling, essential oils, growing your own garden and other things related to health. I'm a city girl living in the country. I love both lives.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Day 200 Keeping a Journal- 10-14-06 pt.1

Another 100 days have come and gone. My mission seems to be going by so fast. To commemorate Day 200 in my journal, I'm going to discuss journals. Today's entry will also be a basis for the talk that I have been asked to give at Zone Conference on Monday. Alrighty, then. Let's get to it!

Journals: Of Far More Worth Than Gold

I'd like to begin by repeating a quote that I wrote in my journal way back on Day 2. "Knowledge carefully recorded is knowledge available in time of need. Spiritually sensitive information should be kept in a sacred place that communicates to the Lord how you treasure it. This practice enhances the likelihood of you receiving further light." - Elder Richard G. Scott

Preach My Gospel frequently asks that we use a study journal to help us understand, clarify and remember what we are learning. We should review our study journals to recall spiritual experiences, see new insights, and recognize our growth both as missionaries and individuals.

It's no small secret that I love writing in my journal, but it did not start out that way. In fact, before my mission, I never kept a journal. Where did this sudden desire to record my history come from? It's hard to say, but now that I've started I have no intention of stopping.

Helen Keller who was both blind and deaf said, "I don't want to live in a hand-me-down world of others experiences. I want to write about me, my discoveries, my fears, my feelings about me." That's one aspect of it. Writing in my journal let's me talk about how I feel and what I think.

"Write...your goings and comings, your deeper thoughts, your achievements and your failures, your associations and your triumphs, your impressions and your testimonies." - President Spencer W. Kimball As we are committed to record these things, we'll be made more aware of them as they happen in our lives.

We are often encouraged to apply the scriptures to us. One of the things that Preach My Gospel has suggested is to "substitute our own name in a verse of scripture to personalize it. The scripture verse I've used to apply to me and to remind me of the importance of journal writing is D&C 47:1 (This is the Lord speaking...) "Behold, it is expedient in me that my servant (your name here) should write and keep a regular history,..." This applies to each of us.

The Book of Mormon reminds us of the importance of keeping records. One reason is so we can remember. Alma reminds his son Helaman that written records have enlarged the memory of his people. Alma 37:8

On Day 178, I talked about building up a spiritual air force to help yourself stay in control of your thoughts. When we read the scriptures, the principles that we have read come back to us like a boomerang. Hey, now. There's a thought. Everyone remember the old joke, "What do you call a boomerang that doesn't come back? A stick. " What if you put two sticks together? What does it become? A boomerang!

In the Old Testament, in the Book of Ezekiel, it talks about the stick of Judah (Bible) and the stick of Joseph (Book of Mormon) becoming one in the Lord's hand. I've been studying this chapter recently (Ezekiel 37) It's really amazing. "Thus saith the Lord God; Behold, I will take the stick of Joseph which is in the hand of Ephraim and the tribes of Israel, his fellows, and will put them with him even the stick of Judah and make them one stick and they shall be one in mine hand." Ezekiel 37:19

I look forward every morning to when I can "catch the boomerang" again by reading from the scriptures; both the stick of Judah and the stick of Joseph. My personal study gives me a chance to build up my spiritual air force by bringing to remembrance all the things I've learned and why? Because someone took the time to write them down.

Now you might say, "Elder Pierce, that's all well and good to keep records, when you are writing down the commandments of God, and I know I should keep a journal. I just don't have anything to say." Bunkum and Tummy rot, says I. That's no excuse. I know quote from Frank Smith's Myths of Writing. "Thoughts are created in the act of writing. [It is a myth that] you must have something to say in order to write. [The reality is] you often need to write to have something to say. Thought comes when writing and writing may never come if it's postponed until we have something to say. The assertion of write first, see what you had to say later, applies to all manifestations of written languages, to letters as well as to diaries and journals.

We all know what happens when people keep insufficient records. In 3rd Nephi when the Savior comes and ministers unto the Nephite people, he asks them to bring forth the records that they had kept. "And when Nephi had brought forth the records and laid them before him, he cast his eyes upon them and said: Verily I say unto you, I commanded my servant Samuel, the Lamanite, that he should testify unto this people, that at the day that the Father should glorify his name in me that there were many saints who should arise from the dead and should appear unto many, and should minister unto them. And he said unto them: Was it not so? And his disciples answered him and said, Yea, Lord, Samuel did prophesy according to they words, and they were fulfilled.

And Jesus said unto them: How be it that ye have not written this thing that many saints did arise and appear unto many and did minister unto them? And it came to pass that Nephi remembered that this thing had not been written. And it came to pass that Jesus commanded that it should be written, therefore it was written according as he commanded." 3 Nephi 23: 8-13

Without any record, things would come and go...memories would fade and things would be forgotten. (If something doesn't exist in the here and now, [and no records are kept], it would be just as if it never existed in the first place."- Gordon Rosewater, The Big O.)

Day 199- Friday the 13th-10-13-06

AAAHHH!!! It's Friday the 13th! Who knows what scary and exciting things will happen today. Keep reading to find out.

We had a pretty insightful companionship inventory, Elder C and I. We talked about ways in which we could improve as missionaries. Here are my weaknesses: I'm too easily distracted when it comes to planning. I'll agree with that. Being more focused and waisting less time would be a good goal for me. I also need more motivation to exercise in the mornings. I don't really like to, but I know I need to. I said that Elder C could really work on teaching in unity. He said he'll work on it. We both agreed that we could improve on the neatness of our apartment. It can be a mess at times. So, these are some of the goals we have set forth this week. We have a lot to work on together.

Well, today was bad luck as far as planned appointments go. C wasn't able to meet with us. We set up a time for Monday. I'm so happy for C. She has a long and happy life ahead of her in the gospel.

Happy Thing for Day 199- C called later today. She said that she and her mom wanted to know if they could take us out to lunch. I asked if there would be another man there. My comp said that it didn't matter if it was in public. "Hmmm...I said, I don't know if that's right..." I'm tired. I'll figure it out tomorrow. I'm going to sleep. Good night.

Day 198- Silence of the Lambs 10-12-06

Wow! Have I been in Dahlgren for a week already? It sure doesn't seem like it. My, how time flies. ("Time's fun when you're having flies." -Kermit the Frog)
Today is Elder C's one year mark.

Today we did some more service at the the "Opp Shop". It's like Goodwill. It went alright. We got a lot of things sorted. There was a brand new jacket that I liked. I offered to pay for it, but they said I could have it. They said that we did so much around there to help it was the least they could do. (Well, I suppose the least I could do is nothing...but I'll go you one better.")

As we were driving back from service, my companion pulled off to the side of the road. We were parked in front of an empty field. My companion told me that the church recently bought this land and is planning on building a new building for the branch to meet in. That is good because now we meet on the military base. It would be nice to have our own building. The ground breaking is soon. It should be completed within a year. I love this church. It's amazing how they take care of their saints. I'll have to come back here after my mission and see how the branch has grown after the completion of its new chapel.

We also went tracting for an hour. My TTH is at 58. As I've mentioned before, Dahlgren is way out in the country. The houses are spaced much farther apart than in Herndon. As a result we are knocking on fewer doors. Most of the people we met today weren't interested in hearing the message. That's important to point out. They weren't interested in hearing the message. When we go up to a door, most people say, "not interested" when they have never even heard the message before, at least not from LDS missionaries. They may have heard it from their pastor, but that is not who you should go to about information about our church. No way.

We did get to teach someone today by tracting. Mr B is in the Army. He said that he was leaving for Iraq in a couple of months. My companion shared with him the first lesson.

Elder C likes to talk. A lot. Don't get me wrong. He's an excellent teacher. I'd love to sit and listen to him teach-which is all I've been basically doing at every teaching appointment. When Elder C taught Mr. B today, he talked for 15 minutes straight. I just stood there smiling and watching. Surely, he'll let me teach any minute now, I thought. No such luck. Elder C left Mr. B with a Book of Mormon and our phone number. He said if he had any question, he would call.

Happy Thing for Day 198-We taught Brother and Sister M. Sister M's husband is a recent convert. He's a real nice guy. We came over and my companion talked with them about tithing (sigh). It's not a huge deal, but really, I wouldn't mind having a chance to teach. I barely got to speak at the M's either.

It was my companions year mark, so tonight at the M's house (before our lesson) my comp. brought out a shirt, some dress pants and a tie. He went out to the backyard, to the fired-up barbecue grill. Elder C then proceeded to burn his clothes as a symbol of reaching his year mark.

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Day 197 10-11-06 A Refiner's Fire

Ah, P-day. Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? Today was a day to unload some stuff. I went through my things and plan to send home whatever is not an absolute necessity (yes, I'm keeping the air-popper with me. It's a necessity!) ("And, that's a good thing to remember." "Yeah, even if you're not a necessity!"- the Smothers Brothers)

I feel a lot better. (I've never felt in better head space."- Mitch, A Mighty Wind*) I've de-junk-ti-fied my living space. As stressed out as I was a week ago, I'm amazed now how much better I feel. (Isn't it wonderful? It couldn't be more wonderful!"-Jack Skellington, the Nightmare Before Christmas*) (*What does Mitch from "A Mighty Wind and Jack Skellington have in common? In both movies, both characters love interests are played by Catherine O'Hara (Micky and Sally)

Of course, that cleaned-up space came at a price. It cost me most of my p-day. (Sigh) No worries, though. This time next week, I'll have a p-day to go and have fun.

Happy Thing for Day 197: We visited with A today. Now, I just got to this area, but A has a history with the church. She began investigating the church over 2 years ago. She's really solid. She loves the church and wants to get baptized. She married R about a year ago and they both began studying with the missionaries. A said, "When the missionaries first came to my door, I didn't want to listen, but something told me to let them in. When they entered my home for the first time, it felt like heaven itself came right in behind them. When they left, I thought to myself that there was something different about those boys, and I wanted to know more."

A's husband R, got baptised 5 months ago. R's had a hard life and looks a lot older than he is. He has a tough outer shell, figuratively speaking. Elder C has told me that's what the church does, it softens hearts. I'm sure with time, R will warm up and be more out-going. R is baptized. We just want to make sure he does not go less-active.

We've been having a hard time getting the Tillman's to go to church. They both work long hours. A loves reading the scriptures. She has her own triple combination (a Bible, Book of Mormon and Doctrine and Covenants) and reads it often. She takes it to her job at Wal-mart. On her breaks she goes out to her car and reads from the Book of Mormon. She said she really loves the book of Alma. She said she can relate to him in a lot of ways.

A told us that she has been reading Alma 5. "Now that is a great chapter", she said. "When I was reading Alma 5 today, it was amazing. I felt like Alma was there next to me, in the car. And he was talking to me, asking me the questions that are in Alma 5."

"Let me share a scripture with you", A said. "This one had a big impact on me. It says in Alma 5:27, "Have ye walked, keeping yourselves blameless before God? Could ye say, if ye were called to die at this time, within yourselves, that ye have been sufficiently humble? That your garments have been cleansed and made white through the blood of Christ, who will come to redeem his people from their sins?" "Wow, I thought", said A. "That's a good question. And that's just one of the reasons why I love the Book of Alma. He asks you to think. To look at your life. He doesn't just tell you what you need to do. He asks you if you are doing it. I need to be reminded of that from time to time.

I then shared with A one of my favorite scriptures from Alma 5. In Alma 5:14 it says, "And now behold, I ask of you, my brethren of the church, have ye spiritually been born of God? Have ye received his image in your countenances? Have ye experienced this mighty change in your hearts?"

This scripture I like to link to one in the Old Testament. Malachi 3:2-3 says, "But who may abide the day of His coming, and who shall stand when he appeareth? For he is like a refiners fire...And he shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver..." We've all heard that Jesus Christ is like a refiners fire and that we need to have his image in our countenances.

"Now", I said, "when someone refines gold or silver, they have to get it really hot. They burn the impurities out. It turns into a liquid and then they watch the metal swirl around. As the impurities disappear, the silver becomes more brilliant and reflective. One way a refiner can tell if all of the impurities are gone from the metal is to look into it. If the metal is pure, then the refiner can see his face in it. So it is with us. Jesus Christ is that Refiners fire. When He looks at us, are we like that pure silver? Does he see himself when he looks at us? Have we received His image in our countenances? And if not, why? Let us resolve right now to rid ourselves of impurities; to be pure. To fill ourselves with charity, which is the pure love of Christ." Moroni 7:47

Moroni 7: 47-48 "But charity is the pure love of Christ, and it endureth forever; and whoso is found possessed of it at the last day, it shall be well with him. Wherefore, my beloved brethren, pray unto the Father with all of the energy of heart, that ye may be filled with this love, which He hath bestowed upon all who are true followers of his Son, Jesus Christ, that ye may become the Sons of God; that when He shall appear, we shall be like him, for we shall see Him as he is; that we may have this hope; that we may be purified even as he is pure. Amen."

A wants to get baptized, but she is on probation. She has been on probation for 2 years. Her probation ends next month, though. We've got it all worked out. President W. is going to come down and give A her baptismal interview November 9th. We then have a baptismal date set for her for November 12th. Then she and her husband can continue their progression together. It's a good day to be a missionary.

Wow! I've been in Dahlgren less than a week and we've already had one baptism and have another one scheduled!

Today, I was also able to write some letters during p-day. I wrote my family, and plan to send some things back. I also wrote Sister B. I thanked her for all the help she gave me and for being a good friend to the missionaries. I was sure to thank her for the "Tickle Me, Elder Pierce" doll. I also wrote S. I hope she is doing well. I'm sure the new elders will be working with her.

Tomorrow is a momentous day for my companion. It's his one year mark!

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Day 196 -10/10/06 - Preparing for a Talk

The zone leaders called us today. At district meetings, it was announced that we would have a zone conference with President and Sister Wixom next Monday, October 10th, 2006 (Day 202). The zl's have asked me to prepare a 10 minute talk about how to make a good lesson plan and what we can learn from our study journals. (You had me at "journal". - Elder Pierce) It should be a lot of fun. Can you imagine? Me, asked to give a talk on the importance of writing journals?!? I can't wait! And, yes, I know it's not all about writing journals. I'm also supposed to talk about preparing lesson plans. But really, what is a lesson plan? To me, it's just another thing you write in your journal. You write what you hope to teach your investigator, the commitments that you plan to leave with them. Then, after the lesson is over, you write how they received the message and plan what to share with them the next time based on how the lesson went and the questions that they raised. How convenient is this? To commemorate (Day 200) in my journal this Saturday, I had planned to write about how much my journal means to me. It's funny how things work out.

Today was kind of slow. This afternoon we got caught in a traffic jam. For 20 minutes we did not move anywhere. There was road construction up ahead. Fortunately, I had a sack of Ensigns that I had been meaning to read. So, while we were stopped, I turned off the music and read my companion some articles from past Ensigns. They were very good; very spiritually uplifting.

Happy Thing for Day 196: We got a call from Sister M today! Sister M is a really nice lady. When Elder W and Elder C were teaching C, they would usually meet at the M's home. We plan to meet with C in the M's home on Friday to share a spiritual thought. This Sunday, C will be conferred a member of the church and receive the gift of the Holy Ghost by the laying on of hands. After C is confirmed, we plan on going by Monday evening after zone conference to share another message with her. Sister M told us that C's mom and aunt were invited to come and study with us. It looks like they accepted the invitation and will be there. Yeah!

A Message from the Prophet about Baptism

And now a message from President Gordon B. Hinckley from the October Ensign of this year (2006).

"We congratulate you on your recent baptism and welcome you most warmly. What a wonderful step you have taken in joining the Church! We stand ready to assist you in any way that we can. What you are going through as a new member should be exhilarating. Your faith in the Savior is strong. Your excitement to learn more about the restored gospel is sincere. We rejoice with you in the gospel of Jesus Christ. There are many blessings in store for you. We know at times it can be terribly lonely. It can be disappointing. It can be frightening. We of this Church can be far more different from the world than we are prone to think we are. But the gospel is nothing to be ashamed of. It is something to be proud of. "Be not therefore ashamed of the testimony of the Lord," wrote Paul to Timothy (2 Timothy 1:8).

To those of you who are new, I plead with you to continue with us. We need you. We will put our arms around you and be friends with you. We will do our best to comfort you, to make you feel welcomed and accepted. We love you and we know the Lord loves you. Forgive our faults and our weaknesses. Come and work with us side by side as we learn together.

This is God's holy work. This is His Church and Kingdom. The vision that occured in the Sacred Grove was jsut as Joseph said it was. There is in my heart a true understanding of what happened there. The Book of Mormon is true. It testifies of the Lord Jesus Christ. His priesthood has been restored and is among us. The keys of the priesthood, which have come from Heavenly beings, are exercised for our eternal blessings. Such is our testimony-yours and mine-a testimony which we must live up to and which we must share with others. I leave this testimony, my blessing, and my love with each of you and my invitation to continue to be a part of this great latter-day miracle that is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints."

Day 195 Meetings and a Baptism 10/09/06

Today we had meetings. Since we have a car, we didn't need other missionaries to give us a ride. The Fredricksburg zone is pretty huge. We went way out in the the country to go to our district meeting today.

We went into the town of Spotsylvania. Is that a great name or what? I love it. I can picture a vampire Dalmatian.

It also made me think of Count Duckula. One of my favorite bits from the show is when Count Duckula is exploring the Egyptian pyramids. He falls through a trap in the floor. When he wakes up, he realizes that he's been tied to a sacrificial altar. There are two high priests standing over him. They tell Count Duckula that he is going to be sacrificed to the Sun god Ra. "Why?", Count Duckula asked. "So that we can raise our beloved Queen Upshi from her tomb," they said. Yes, we will continue sacrificing until he has had his fill!". Count Duckula asks, "Who, Ra?"
"And Upshi rises! replied the high priests. "Who Ra, and Upshi rises! Who Ra and Upshi rises, Who Ra and Upshi rises early in the morning." -Count Duckula; the episode was, "No sax please, we're Egyptian." I love that show. It's so funny.

At district meetings today, guess who I found out was in my district? Sister Pierce (Day 119) Boy, just when you think you are away from all of the Pierce and Pierce jokes...No, seriously, I love being in the same district as Sister Pierce. She's a fun-lovin' cowgirl. Guess who else is in my new district? Now, I know you won't get this one. It's not Elder Buttars (my first companion. It's not Elder Davis or any of my roommates from the MTC. It's Elder Mann. It is the brother of one of my good friend and roommate from the MTC. (see Day 12)

At the MTC, Elder Mann mentioned to me that his brother was serving a mission in D.C. South, but I never thought I'd be in the same zone with him. They look a lot alike. I'm gonna try and talk to Elder Mann next week after meetings if I have time. I want to ask how he's enjoying his mission and if he knows the latest on his brother who is serving a mission in Florida. I plan to write his brother sometime....Hmmm....one of these p-days....

Happy Thing for Day 195: CK's baptism! It was wonderful. I loved the Spirit that was felt there. I wish I could keep it with me always. I had been asked to give the opening prayer. I was honored to do so. C's family was there. She was so happy to have all of the support. C's friend A gave a talk on baptism. A was who introduced C to the church. In her talk, A used a scripture that I've always liked. Alma 5:62 "I speak...unto those who do not belong to the church...by way of invitation, saying: Come and be baptized unto repentance, that ye may also be partakers of the fruit of the tree of life."

The baptism of CK was performed by my companion, Elder C. I stood beside the font as a witness along with Brother Miller from the Dahlgren branch. We were watching to make sure it was a complete baptism. It was. Not even a toe came up out of the water. Welcome to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Sister K.

C said she was so happy and told us this was one of the greatest times she would remember in her life. We brought out cake and presents to celebrate her 15th birthday. We sang "Happy Birthday" to her. One of her presents was her very own set of scriptures. She was so happy. (sigh) Good day!