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Location: Oklahoma, United States

I'm a homeschooling mother of five. Four graduates and one to go. I have been married to my dear husband for 31 years this October. WoW! I love talking about home schooling, essential oils, growing your own garden and other things related to health. I'm a city girl living in the country. I love both lives.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Today is Easter!

Day 19-MTC

Today is Easter! I might not write much in here today. I'm going to write letters home to my friends in OK. I need to go ahead and write while I am here. I leave the MTC on Wednesday and might not have as much time to write out in the field. I need to go ahead and copy the rest of my journal while I can. Who knows if there will be a Kinko's near my apartment.

I also wanted to say before I forgot...When Elder M#2 played "Braveheart" on the piano the other day, it reminded me of Captain Moroni writing the Title of Liberty mixed with training his troops and the great battles leading them to victory.

I have a little time to write in my journal...

Every week on Sunday at the MTC, there is a theme for a talk that everyone is supposed to write. They pick three from a Zone to give the talks. There are about 20 something missionaries in our zone, so the odds of getting picked are not that great. Our first Sunday here was General Conference, so there were not any talks. The second Sunday, the topic was "hope". Elder M#2 was asked to give the talk from our district.

Today, Easter Sunday, I was asked to give a talk on "charity" which was the week's topic.

"And now we'll hear from Elder Pierce." I got up and talked about Easter and the Charity of the Savior. I read D&C 88:125 "And above all things, clothe yourselves with the bond of charity, as with a mantle, which is the bond of perfectness and peace." I talked about how the Savior clothed himself in charity and what that means. To wear it like a mantle means you wear it on your sleeve. Not in a prideful way, but in a way that people know if they have a problem, you will be willing to help them because you wear that charity on your sleeve. I also talked about hymn #219, "Because I Have Been Given Much". I talked about how it is all about being charitable. I said how we as missionaries wear our charity on our chests. Our missionary tags are our sign that we are willing to be charitable and serve. I talked about how the song has a new verse that talks about missionary work. The new verse goes like this:

"Because I have been blessed Dear Lord, I too must serve.
I'll leave the comfort of my home to teach Thy word.
I'll find Thy sheep who've gone astray, and those who've never known the way,
I'll make Thy work, my work today.
I shall give love to those in need
I'll show that love by words and deed.
Thus shall my thanks be thanks indeed."

That was pretty much my talk. I thought at first I'd rhyme it all, but I abandoned that concept. Here is a sampling of what it could have been:

Today my talk is on the subject of charity.
A virtue that's becoming an increasing rarity.
I hope that my talk I might say with clarity.
And you who are listening will feel my sincerity.

Oh, well, maybe next time.


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