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Location: Oklahoma, United States

I'm a homeschooling mother of five. Four graduates and one to go. I have been married to my dear husband for 31 years this October. WoW! I love talking about home schooling, essential oils, growing your own garden and other things related to health. I'm a city girl living in the country. I love both lives.

Friday, June 09, 2006

Day 34-The Bike Lesson-5/01/06

As it turns out, these companionship exchanges are a regular thing. It's 10:30 in the morning. Elder Buttars and I are waiting for the other Elders to show up. Oh, wait, here they are.

The time: 1:30pm. The place: Elder Bailey's(my companion exchange) apartment. I am in a different area today. It's very hilly here compared to my home area. These hills are murder to come up. A lot of fun to come down, though. At least they were...until I crashed. I crashed my bike, but what a glorious crash.

There I was at the top of this hill. My companion had already gone down and was just barely in sight. I started to follow him down the hill. Now, I'm entering into a forest. Picture the moon of Endor from the Return of the Jedi when Luke and Leia are racing through the trees. It was something like that. Elder Bailey informed me later that I was going over 30 miles per hour down that hill.

So, I'm zooming along, speeding down the hill when I look up. My new companion had turned. I was sure of that. The question I asked myself was, "which way?"

I'm coming up fast on the fork at the bottom of the hill. Left? Right? Left? Right? I am reminded of the words of Yogi Berra, or maybe it was Yogi Bear. No matter. One of them said, "In life, when you come to a fork in the road, take it." So, I did...

Everything slowed down as I crashed. It seemed like I was in the air for an hour.
What was the damage, you ask? When I crawled out of the thick underbrush, I checked myself for ticks. You can never be too careful...Wait, what am I saying? I didn't check myself for ticks. I checked myself for injuries. It wasn't too bad. Aside from the cuts and scraps along my arms, the only thing that hurt was my right leg. I bruised it. I'm lucky (read blessed) that my bike didn't land on me or me on it. If that had happened, I'd really have had some injuries. Fortunately, the ground broke my fall.

The worst thing about this experience isn't the bruise on my leg. When I landed, I rolled on the ground for a while until I lost my momentum. I got up and I had this big, thick, green grass stain up the left sleeve of my shirt. Elder Buttars informed me that the whole back of my shirt was green also.

In the end I ended up changing into one of Elder Oram's shirts. (Elder Oram is Elder Bailey's companion). Mine is in the washer (shirt, not companion). Elder Oram is about my size. All in all a pretty eventful day.


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