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Location: Oklahoma, United States

I'm a homeschooling mother of five. Four graduates and one to go. I have been married to my dear husband for 31 years this October. WoW! I love talking about home schooling, essential oils, growing your own garden and other things related to health. I'm a city girl living in the country. I love both lives.

Friday, July 28, 2006

Day 80-12th Article of Faith-06/16/06

Today was pretty busy. We haven't had the chance to meet with N. yet. I think he's avoiding us. It's too bad, 'cause in my studies today, I read some great scriptures in 1st and 2nd Peter that debunk the J-Dub's claim for political disolution. (Disolution? What's that? Brooklyn for "this solution"?)

Jehovah's Witnesses claim that the Bible tells us that Jesus Christ's one true church would not get involved in politics or even vote. They have other scriptures that N. showed us the last time we met with him. They were in his "study-buddy" entitled, "Reasoning from the Scriptures." In the book under "Government", they pick a verse out of Jeremiah that they say talks about how God never wanted us to form governments.

In Jeremiah 10:23, it says, "Oh Lord, I know that the way of man is not in himself; it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps." (what does that have to do with government?) Then they put a commentary after it. They say that God did not authorize his human creation to chart its own path independent from God." (anyone heard of free agency?) Pure drivel. There! That's my commentary on their commentary. The verse had nothing to do with the point, yet N. keeps swallowing it. I hope that we are able to meet with N. tomorrow. I have some patriotic verses to share with him. I also, of course, plan to put them in my journal, but that is for another day. One in which I have more time.

One last thing about today. I just wanted to say that I don't think our investigators will make their baptismal date on the 24th. I am hopeful for all of them, but they are just not ready for the covenant of baptism yet. We are planning on going to the D.C. temple with W. and T. on Wednesday. We'll go catch a screening of the new Joseph Smith movie. I can't wait!!! Next week is going to be good. I can feel it.


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